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Kubernetes Cluster & self-hosted Registry: Trusting the CA

Kubernetes Cluster & self-hosted Registry: Trusting the CA

You build your OnPremise Kubernetes Cluster and set up your self-hosted private registry. To make it pretty you used your own CA to sign the certificate for the registry. Everything is fine and now you are ready to deploy your own services to your Kubernetes Cluster and develop some awesome

Sebastian Augustin
Sebastian Augustin
Running postgres in kubernetes with hugepages

Running postgres in kubernetes with hugepages

To run postgres in a container on nodes with huge pages enabled requires you to configure the container accordingly. This post shows how to do this on kubernetes/openshift.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
microk8s - change location of hostpath storage

microk8s - change location of hostpath storage

Adjusting the hostpath storage location on microk8s requires you to adjust parameters in the associated deployment. This easy change is shown in this post.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
nginx ingress controller cannot load default-ssl-certificate

nginx ingress controller cannot load default-ssl-certificate

nginx ingress controller supports scoping to namespaces. This can be an issue with the default-tls-certificate in case this is not part of the scoped namespaces.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Service accounts in kubernetes 1.24

Service accounts in kubernetes 1.24

Kubernetes 1.24 changed the way serviceaccounttokens are presented by default on the cluster itself. If you need to retrieve the token, you mostly use a secret for this. This guide shows how to do this in kubernetes >= 1.24.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Rocketchat fails after upgrade with index error

Rocketchat fails after upgrade with index error

Upgrading rocketchat to version 5.0 resulted in some minor issues that prevented the system from starting - both are related to the database and can easily be fixed.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - setting up environment

Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - setting up environment

This series covers migrating a zabbix database from mysql to timescaledb. In this post we're preparing the databases for the migration.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
docker swarm - preserve client ip on incoming connections

docker swarm - preserve client ip on incoming connections

Running services in docker swarm utilizes the docker swarm routing mesh which results in source nat (snat). If you need to bypass this, check out this guide.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub