ingress-nginx 1.12 & allow-snippet-annotations
If you need to use snippet annotations (why?) on ingress-nginx - you'll also need to adjust the annotation filtering.
multus - deadlock state on thick plugin
Using Multus CNI's 'thick plugin' in Kubernetes can cause pod startup deadlocks due to circular dependencies between pods and the Multus daemon. Switching to the daemonless 'thin plugin' mode effectively resolves this initialization issue.

kubernetes, cgroups v2 and failing health probes
Running Kubernetes on a systemd-based OS can lead to pods restarting endlessly due to health probe failures, caused by the systemd cgroup driver. Previously, this was fixed by modifying boot options, but a simpler approach is to switch the kubelet to use cgroupfs instead.
Helm's Hidden Quirks: Merging boolean values
Helm is a powerful tool for manageing Kubernetes applications. Despite its ubiquity in the kubernetes-world, there are some nuances to consider when working with boolean values—especially when merging complex objects.
Can't delete kubernetes namespace (NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure)
While trying to delete a namespace on a kubernetes cluster I learned that there is a resource type apiservice :-) This post shows how to unblock deletions due orphaned apiservice definitions.
Unexpected behavior of TUN devices in Kubernetes >= 1.31.3
Sometimes, security improvements in one project can cause problems in places nobody ever expected. In this case, we had to deal with one of these improvements.
mysql - online index creation
This post shows how easy it is to alter tables (in this example index creation) online to keep your sql database uninterrupted and clients online.
Ansible - pretty print output
Sometimes you want to print more or extensive information on ansible output (in this case a terraform plan). This can easily be realised using an stdout callback.