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Choosing a postgres operator

Choosing a postgres operator

This post describes my journey on the selection of the postgres operator that matches our demand.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
When fstrim stalls your I/O subsystem

When fstrim stalls your I/O subsystem

On one of our systems we had issues that - once a week - the I/O subsystem stalled and causes issues on database operations.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
postgres - database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded

postgres - database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded

Upgrading a major postgres version using containers with different C libraries caused me some headaches because I go an error "database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded" - and I did not fix it. At least I can give a hint on why it happend and how you could avoid it.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
postgres - upgrading postgres with timescaledb running in a container

postgres - upgrading postgres with timescaledb running in a container

Uprading postgres with timescaledb caused me some issues related to the collation. After some retries I've found a reliable way to doing the upgrade. This post describes the steps to be done.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Moving an elasticsearch index to another node

Moving an elasticsearch index to another node

When hosting a multinode elasticsearch cluster, you might run in some state where indices are not equally balanced across your nodes, until one of them starts crying about high disk usage while other nodes are barely occupied - exactly this happened in one of our customers environment. In order to

Lorenz Maier
Lorenz Maier
Running postgres in kubernetes with hugepages

Running postgres in kubernetes with hugepages

To run postgres in a container on nodes with huge pages enabled requires you to configure the container accordingly. This post shows how to do this on kubernetes/openshift.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - migration

Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - migration

This series describes how to migrate a mysql database to timescaledb - use case is to migrate a zabbix application database. This part handles the migration and switchover of the server environment up to completion of the migration.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub
Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - database setup

Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - database setup

This part continues our mysql to timescaleDB migration. We prepare our target database and add some helpers on the source to create a resumable process.

Daniel Nachtrub
Daniel Nachtrub