Ollama fails to utilize GPU after driver update (NVIDIA)
Ollama can't make use of NVIDIA GPUs when using latest drivers - fix is easy: Downgrade and wait for the next release. :-)
postgres - database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded
Upgrading a major postgres version using containers with different C libraries caused me some headaches because I go an error "database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded" - and I did not fix it. At least I can give a hint on why it happend and how you could avoid it.
postgres - upgrading postgres with timescaledb running in a container
Uprading postgres with timescaledb caused me some issues related to the collation. After some retries I've found a reliable way to doing the upgrade. This post describes the steps to be done.
Why you should use rook ceph on kubernetes (onprem)
If you run kubernetes on your own, you need to provide a storage solution with it. We are using ceph (operated through rook). This article gives some short overview about it's benefits and some pro's and con's of it.
Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - migration
This series describes how to migrate a mysql database to timescaledb - use case is to migrate a zabbix application database. This part handles the migration and switchover of the server environment up to completion of the migration.
Rocketchat fails after upgrade with index error
Upgrading rocketchat to version 5.0 resulted in some minor issues that prevented the system from starting - both are related to the database and can easily be fixed.
upgrade postgres with timescaledb
Upgrading postgres can be a challenging task, because databases are mostly in use. Having extensions like timescaledb introduces even more complexity. This guide shows a fast way to upgrade a postgres database with timescaledb.
Migrating zabbix from mysql to timescaledb - setting up environment
This series covers migrating a zabbix database from mysql to timescaledb. In this post we're preparing the databases for the migration.