Adjusting the ulimit on microk8s
Our software engineers are more and more working with AI which sometimes raises entirely new requirements on the environment. One of those is that we wanted to pin larger language models (in this case platypus2 70B parameters, or falcon 40B) to memory on a development host that runs microk8s. Long
When fstrim stalls your I/O subsystem
On one of our systems we had issues that - once a week - the I/O subsystem stalled and causes issues on database operations.
postgres - database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded
Upgrading a major postgres version using containers with different C libraries caused me some headaches because I go an error "database has no actual collation version, but a version was recorded" - and I did not fix it. At least I can give a hint on why it happend and how you could avoid it.
postgres - upgrading postgres with timescaledb running in a container
Uprading postgres with timescaledb caused me some issues related to the collation. After some retries I've found a reliable way to doing the upgrade. This post describes the steps to be done.
Using storage caching on a standalone windows server
Sometimes you are still facing standalone systems that need to provide storage based services - like backup targets. Running this on Windows Server offers your the option to use StorageBusCache to provide awesome speed.
Why you should use rook ceph on kubernetes (onprem)
If you run kubernetes on your own, you need to provide a storage solution with it. We are using ceph (operated through rook). This article gives some short overview about it's benefits and some pro's and con's of it.
Moving an elasticsearch index to another node
When hosting a multinode elasticsearch cluster, you might run in some state where indices are not equally balanced across your nodes, until one of them starts crying about high disk usage while other nodes are barely occupied - exactly this happened in one of our customers environment. In order to
Windows 11 - enable seconds on clock (again) - may 2023 update
Windows 11's patch of may 2023 brings back seconds to the system-clock - if you enable it through registry. Let's do this!